The title of this post is inspired by something my co-author (and former colleague Ann) used to regularly say in our women's groups. When you find yourself looking forward to cleaning out your sock drawer, chances are you are procrastinating doing something much more pertinent to you and your life.
Have you ever put something off? Have you found yourself day after day saying, "I'll do it tomorrow" and actually believe you'll follow through tomorrow even when you didn't the last time? This isn't meant to make you feel guilt, but rather to alert you to how much energy gets tied up in this pattern. Procrastination, and I'm talking about the chronic kind, sabotages big time. Systemically putting something off drains you in ways you may not be aware of.
I've been procrastinating with a couple of activities related to getting the word out about Motherhood - Is It For Me? Your Step-by-Step Guide to Clarity. I'm aware of it. This awareness helps, but it hasn't gotten me over the hump to actually do them. For me, I finally realized that I had to figure out something first (internally, emotionally) before I could complete the 2 activities I have in mind. Figuring that out helped me realize that I wasn't lazy or afraid, but rather unsure of something very important to me. So, I've solved what my next steps are and am moving out of the procrastination pit. Good news.
If you find yourself wondering over and over about how you would like your life to unfold - especially but not exclusively about the question of motherhood - our new book is a real guide. It isn't a quick and easy fix, but rather a thoughtful, respectful, and nurturing guide that will really help you understand what's important - to you! It will also help you move out of your own procrastination pit, should you be in one.
Check it out. The book is available from Amazon, The Book Depository, Barnes & Noble and other select online booksellers. Travel well and feel supported.